среда, 5 марта 2008 г.
Women and sex on the side
The most common women's complexes
Love length of a year The real story Part 1
Why sverhintellektualnym men not lucky with women
5 mistakes that prevent you Dating
Men are predisposed to unsafe sex
Women are more likely to change husbands during ovulation
Erotic Massage - SEISMOLOGY handles friend!
вторник, 4 марта 2008 г.
The perfect man
When he was older...
What do you want to wait on men
Domestic chores
International dating service CuteOnly is smitten imposing Western world.
He could not take the vacuum cleaner and carpet cleaning, even if seeing that it is high time to do so. He was not able to cook anything more complicated fried eggs. A dishware… You not only moesh one, but still has to collect it around your house.
Of course, you can deal with herself and cleaning, but still expected to help. Some lucky, but usually the man to assume anything, but not household chores. Swears - useless. Is it worth it to spoil relations because of the easy? Say, how would you have reacted if he had, for example, has sent you a car repair? True, this is not the women's cause.
A cooking and cleaning are not considered male occupations. I just need to take it. Of course, found a happy exception. There is a tidy man, whose accuracy and astonished the Admiral would Surveillance staff. And some members of the stronger half of humanity is wonderfully prepared, and do it with pleasure. But if you went to no such attraction, otnesis to them calmly. So, you have a traditional family, which is the home of a woman.
Yet cleaning - is a heavy thing. That is why sometimes you can try to connect it to the husband. Then he would not consider that the net is becoming flat itself. And as a reward for participating gather him his favorite cake or something else, a pleasant, but rare.
I do not expect that the husband will show initiative when it will be necessary to bring an apartment in order. The main thing in this matter - thy wisdom and patience. How many families disintegrated because of his wife could not forgive husbands clothes thrown on the bed or chair… Laskovyj and convincing tone yourself much better than scandals. And sometimes, and is silent. You easier to remove his shirt itself in the cupboard than raise a voice and to complain about his inaccuracies. Eventually, he works from morning till night, that your life has been good.
But you certainly can count on him in all that relates to the so-called men's work: plumbing, and all technical filling homes. Usually, men are not denied assistance in such cases because they are much closer to them in spirit.
понедельник, 3 марта 2008 г.
Adultery of the
Do not learn - not changed?
Safer sex
When relations were only beginning, is breathtaking. This is a wonderful, but in the struggle with hormones common sense often win hormones. And the risk of infection or unwanted pregnancy is not compensated by any mad passion.
International dating service CuteOnly is smitten imposing Western world. Not every young person will sit tests to pacify his girl. But if you go and even tests may not give stoprotsentnoy guarantees. For example, HIV in the blood may encounter only three to four months after the questionable sexual contact. The trouble can happen to anyone. And with you. Therefore, simply podstrahuysya. After all, you are not obliged to risk their health sake of his desires. Specifically: You are not obliged to take risks. Out of respect for yourself. For people who love you and do not want you happened misfortune. In the end, and take care of his health. If you were previously male, and you yourself can not be one hundred per cent sure that you all right. Moreover, infected with HIV or hepatitis can be without sex. With regard to pregnancy, not listening, if a friend says to you that he will take care that you do not become pregnant. "Natural" means of protection have very low efficiency. Do you want to live in an endless anxiety? Condom fairly reliable and insures against disease and pregnancy. There are men who are willing to deviate from its use, but there must be tough. Rule knows no exceptions: no condom - no sex! Trust common sense. He did not disappoint you either intentionally or accidentally. Incidentally, addressing security at the same time you check your sense of the guy and his ability to be responsible. If he flatly refuses to think about protection, it is not so much the road you how pleasant pastime, without any thought of the possible consequences. If so, are you sure that you want it is? Taking care of your health is in your hands. In any case life. Concern for security does not preclude confidence in the young man. After all, with firmness, you bothering about you both. By the way, that your visit is not romantic depended on his mindedness, zavedi habit to wear condoms in the bag. And if it suddenly cause jealousy, explain that to have condoms and use them - not the same.
Being passionate
Is it bad to be mistress?
четверг, 28 февраля 2008 г.
Films Films Films
Pro age
Little on me and my photo

The Regard! want to tell You little about itself! My name is Alexandra, live I in russia, me wanted to get acquainted with foreigner, with turk can be with mexican or frenchman or italian for close relations since me always such men and me was much wanted with them talk, but hereinafter can be enter in more close relations... Turk in the same way I like
среда, 27 февраля 2008 г.
Cogitations about acquaintance in Web

Find the contact easy and comfortable. A Millions of the users daily search for the amusements in network and they not away keep you company. Moves these people approximately one and same purpose interesting and pleasantly spend time.
They try to find in Internete that is not got find in lifes usual. We with you live in the world beautiful, but not made. The A great deal us desired can simply leave for frames of our possibilities. You, see, does not вдумывались, was insofar simplified and changed lately world around, well at least mail: not so long ago, чтоб congratulate the close person with holiday, follow to send the letter, calculating that it will go sometime week. But this additionally was accompanied buying the envelope and unforgettable process of the sticker of the marks.
Recall, what such contact with friends sprawlled. Modern technologies able to us to help преодолеть such barriers, strictly for this they and are introduced. Today us is already offered by nothing unlimited world of the amusement, formation and, certainly, contacts. The Letter now долетает for instant, important news enter upon the terms, nobody does not remain without congratulation in holiday.
Internet has changed and contact itself: you may vastly increase the circle their own acquaintance, increase the territory their own acquaintance. It Was Simplified and acquaintance itself. Simply appeared the place, where call at exactly that people, which at present simply long for or search for the partner this sites acquaintance.
Calling at on site, you immediately fall into encirclement their own единомышленников, people, which wait You and pleased You. You should feel itself in its plate after all with You such, either as You themselves searcher new acquaintance. Not important reasons, why at present they here. Someone, either as You, has tired to long for on evening, whomever, can, necessary today simply to speak, or there is such, who wants to find itself company.
Not this main, it is important that you were met on put the acquaintance that already itself speaks of многом. Will Accelerate the acquaintance to Your best photographies, which take seats then and there, in Your personal questionnaire. Why exactly best? The Persons ed by Your questionnaire, else незнаком with You. His(its) it is necessary simply to attract, delay, not to release.
Do this is able only Your bright, attractive photographies. When You have already tied the acquaintance, then all will much more simply. Insofar pleasing, long-lasting will be a contact, depends on that, as You сошлись with person and only. After all here all are located for Your contact. Nothing not will You to disturb. The Fantasy will not help to define, as will develop Your acquaintance. And even not one and not two familiar possible to find on site.
If You person communicative, open, that You get in touch with several users. The A great deal disposes and for this, since You no need nor before whom report about Your acquaintance, more so nobody will not be able You упрекнуть. Define the circle their own acquaintance Themselves. But further already themselves will choose the degree to vicinity of the relations with each of them, will themselves define, who better approaches You, who more answers Your requirements.
Pleasantly that nobody does not expose the spare obligations. You simply enjoy with each other. You Correspond, communicate, can are even returned call. In general, do not give to each other to turn sour from tedium or, god forbid, befriend the television set. If frames of the contact in чате You will suddenly become little, that peacefully fixes the alive appointment if hereto You and strove;strived. Insofar close relations You want, also define with its partner. Can on determined reason to break the relationship or move to following step. Again, what solve You. Rescue the acquaintance on site and from tedium in one concrete evening. Why You should sit and tense to think up the occupation for several nearest hours, when sometime You cause on frank conversation or want with You to consult. Do Not deprive the people of the pleasing collocutor, urgently move over to чаты. Do Not force itself long to wait, the world wants with You to communicate.
Here is see, insofar this simply for life to wind the acquaintance on site. This simply, pleasantly and useful. Find familiar possible for absolutely any integer. A Hundreds of the people already today agree to conduct with You its furlough, never mind where, the main not one. For merry trip necessary worthy company, which can form exactly You.
The Sites acquaintance visit the people, which of present familiar while there is no one to offer to conduct several days together. They do not compromise and more so do not be going to to spoil the долгожданные days by solitude. Searching for lasts on put the acquaintance, where attracts attention Your best photo. Then offer to separate the number on two somewhere a little farther from nice берQзок is got You. But can this will not last furlough, organized together, but can выльется in general this for frames of the simple furlough. А, as a whole, agree that idea of searching for fcompanion(satellite) on rest than-that good. You immediately find itself familiar light on ascent, person open and simply going on contact. The Persons with determined complex in contact will not go on such, after all is here tied immediately close acquaintance.
Acquaintance in web - and their consequences in real acquaintance - main
However sometimes virtual acquaintance can outgrow in wholly real relations. And can bring not simply positive sensations - can bring happiness. Including household. But can bring and absolutely horrible disillusionment.
Strictly in this article we shall try be defined unless with that, what find happiness in lifes by by conquests elbowroom virtual world, that at least with that, as not to be dysappointed in site acquaintance in general and in folk in particular.
First - remember about good senses, ladies and gentlemen. Exactly this, oddly to say, most often comes short under virtual contact. But good sense is concluded in the first place in paircouple realization one simple fact: Internet provides anonymity. But signifies who is pleased can express who is pleased. And far from without fall someone to look like most itself.
So always remember - while contact virtual - no plan, hopes, suggestions. Even suggestions - the most terrible that possible to do this нкачать додумывать. Sad can be not even that You get on divorce, but that You напридумывали good and honored person, who sincerely wanted with You пообщаться some indistinctive sign. But it is enough was simply ask...
And this main. Ask. If beside Your vis-a-vis no photo - emphatically ask to send. Not one and not two - will help to form the impression. But the main - a young teenager male flap expressing woman-vamp simply will not be able to find immediately several identical photographies. As well as девочка-припевочка, mowning on 40-year папика with толстым кошельком and big machine. Therefore - do not scruple.
About appointment in past age was accepted to agree on telephone. Do Not change this traditions, ladies and gentlemen! If uzh decided be met with its virtual familiar, but more so familiar - emphatically try to remove cover виртуальности. The Telephone call - the most identical in this sense way.
If You are adjusted more-less seriously - that comes from not more serious adjusting Your opponent. After all if You already agreed before possibility of the appointment - that talked You not so uzh and little. Signifies You wholly can be changed photography and telephone. And пообщаться the вживую.
But in general - in spite of all defect, on anonymity, on amateurs пошутить and other troubles already plenty of people have found in Internete unless its fate - that at least once reliable friend, or have twisted the tempestuous novel, about which else will long recall, or... Yes little what else. Search for - and will find!
What fill questionnaire on put acquaintance - wake honored!
In general questionnaire - a deal necessary and extremely important. Here we shall give several advices beginning - on how to it is correct to fill questionnaire that effect was unless maximum - that at least неотрицательным :)
Apropos, here and is hereinafter expected that You have visitted the site an acquaintance not for the reason поржать and поприкалываться - but for the reason exactly get acquainted moreover have a plans on continuation this acquaintance in more-more real situation. Can speech and not about замужестве/marriage, but at least once appointment in реале is expected.
Coming thereof inevitably important factor is чествность in questionnaire. Not it is necessary powerfully to tell lies about obviously factor - a weight, growing, social position, colour hair and etc. Naturally on proportions Anzheliny Dzholi or some Delirium Pitta поведется more people. However natural, and as a rule single feeling, which feels the person, when sees that him obviously and shameless have told lies - an irritation. And prospects of the development of the relations become not even minimum - but simply таки negative. Therefore - do not tell lies. Wake honest, dialect about itself - will go only on profit.
Do Not are afraid to stand out. There is in majority of the people such aptitude - not to stand out. So here is, in интернете this absolutely неприемлимо. You simply nobody will not notice. You Rage Dostoevskim, play jazz, collect the marks or rubber cockroach, search for the traces of stay on the Land инопланетян, try to train the fish to understand the human speech - write about this. First this is chosen exactly You from mass of the other questionnaires. Secondly - believe, You not solitary in their own fascinations. And there is good chance to find the person, who is interested the same. So write about itself as large as possible and in detail.
However do not overdo. Try to describe itself not only packed - but also exactly. And their own requirements to potential familiar too. Greatly exactly - finally if You rage the buddhism - that exactly buddhism You and rage, rather then religion of the Orient - why You домогательства кришнаитов and other шаолиней? So accuracy and конкретика - exactly that, about than always cost(stand)s to remember the questionnaire when filling.
And else. Try to describe exactly itself, such what/what You there is, do not try to describe there is no one personage, which You, for instance, plan to become. Can write exactly that plan. Or describe the certain ideal, which on Your opinion must like exactly that representative opposite flap, which You want заполучить. In most cases does not like, more exactly likes - but straight opposite. Remember, "So I came to say that you on me not расчитывала!"
In general if lead, so to speak, devil under all advice, that most main at searching for serious, with more-more real consequence acquaintance in Internete - probity. Probity at description itself. Probity at description of the requirements to partner. This will inevitably is evaluated.