среда, 27 февраля 2008 г.

What fill questionnaire on put acquaintance - wake honored!

The Ithaca, dared to wind the acquaintance in Internete? If theatre begins with hatracks, that acquaintance on соответсвующих site - with questionnaires. Moreover with its - possible, certainly, examine someone else and write liked, will however want they communicate with person, who not even удосужился little write about itself? This already question. Again, always interesting most get the messages with offers to get acquainted and пообщаться.
In general questionnaire - a deal necessary and extremely important. Here we shall give several advices beginning - on how to it is correct to fill questionnaire that effect was unless maximum - that at least неотрицательным :)
Apropos, here and is hereinafter expected that You have visitted the site an acquaintance not for the reason поржать and поприкалываться - but for the reason exactly get acquainted moreover have a plans on continuation this acquaintance in more-more real situation. Can speech and not about замужестве/marriage, but at least once appointment in реале is expected.
Coming thereof inevitably important factor is чествность in questionnaire. Not it is necessary powerfully to tell lies about obviously factor - a weight, growing, social position, colour hair and etc. Naturally on proportions Anzheliny Dzholi or some Delirium Pitta поведется more people. However natural, and as a rule single feeling, which feels the person, when sees that him obviously and shameless have told lies - an irritation. And prospects of the development of the relations become not even minimum - but simply таки negative. Therefore - do not tell lies. Wake honest, dialect about itself - will go only on profit.
Do Not are afraid to stand out. There is in majority of the people such aptitude - not to stand out. So here is, in интернете this absolutely неприемлимо. You simply nobody will not notice. You Rage Dostoevskim, play jazz, collect the marks or rubber cockroach, search for the traces of stay on the Land инопланетян, try to train the fish to understand the human speech - write about this. First this is chosen exactly You from mass of the other questionnaires. Secondly - believe, You not solitary in their own fascinations. And there is good chance to find the person, who is interested the same. So write about itself as large as possible and in detail.
However do not overdo. Try to describe itself not only packed - but also exactly. And their own requirements to potential familiar too. Greatly exactly - finally if You rage the buddhism - that exactly buddhism You and rage, rather then religion of the Orient - why You домогательства кришнаитов and other шаолиней? So accuracy and конкретика - exactly that, about than always cost(stand)s to remember the questionnaire when filling.
And else. Try to describe exactly itself, such what/what You there is, do not try to describe there is no one personage, which You, for instance, plan to become. Can write exactly that plan. Or describe the certain ideal, which on Your opinion must like exactly that representative opposite flap, which You want заполучить. In most cases does not like, more exactly likes - but straight opposite. Remember, "So I came to say that you on me not расчитывала!"
In general if lead, so to speak, devil under all advice, that most main at searching for serious, with more-more real consequence acquaintance in Internete - probity. Probity at description itself. Probity at description of the requirements to partner. This will inevitably is evaluated.

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