среда, 5 марта 2008 г.

Women and sex on the side

Statistics, the causes and signs. Ahead without ceremonies: 67% of women dissatisfied with the sexual side of their lives, 79% prefer sex with a lover, and one in four are no longer sleeps with a permanent partner. And there are signs showing that the woman had romantic relationship on the side. Why do you have a romantic relationship on the side? Orders glossy male Player magazine, editor in Hamburg, the question 1103 women who have ever had in life on the side of the love relationship, asked Gewis-Institut, Institute for the Study of Public Opinion. The result was unequivocal: 67% of women attributed this dissatisfaction in the intimate sphere. 79% consider sex with a better lover. The biggest difference - sex on the side 58% of the respondents cited more passionate than in the marital bed. As a result, more than a quarter (28%) of women in general no longer sleep with her partner, another 15% - only very rarely. Equally disappointing for the German men, and are more results of the survey. More than half of women (53%) with ties to the party argue that their conscience or even almost entirely pure and 41% feel pangs of conscience only "from time to time", and only 6% said that the situation for them painfully. Each tenth did not see in his adventure on the side of anything wrong, three-quarters of those surveyed said that the romantic relationship lasts for more than one month - mostly with a colleague (36%) or with a friend (27%), as well as a continuation of the restaurant acquaintances (34% ). How to understand what a woman is preparing to receive visits? 53% dushatsya special spirit, 43% especially carefully painted, one in five nadevaet erotic lingerie.

The most common women's complexes

All of the women's Parks In Western countries known and quite prevalent following sexual complexes: Alice in Wonderland, Titania, Knight and Razvratnika, Messaliny, Cinderella, Don Quixote, Madonna and Bludnitsy, donzhuanizm, complexes Othello, Romeo and Juliet, Tristan and Isolde. Complex Alice in Wonderland develops in women living in a world of fantasy. Their rich imagination creates a scenario of love, the perfect union, in which each partner has a role. Those dreams led to the fact that women live with this set of expectations meeting with a partner - the embodiment of their fantasies. When a woman creates complex Titanii our vision of the ideal image of a man who is looking for all his life. Male ideals shaped by literary characters, the heroes of films. The heroes of novels or actors included sexual fantasies, in particular during sexual contact is a woman, as a partner of another person. The essence of the complex Knight and Razvratnika is that the woman is looking for a man in both the knight and razvratnika. In this complex there are two different types: Knight, as the embodiment of masculinity, noble forces inspires confidence and a feeling of security, supports a obozhayuschey his female romantic, pure and innocent, and Razvratnik - embodiment of crude, natural masculine force, superseksualny man. Complex Messaliny women inherently passionate, sensual, sexually excitable, making demands to the partner, changing partners, ie women orgiasticheskoy culture of sex. At different periods of history, the quality of female sexual valued very highly, but today many consider an attractive image of sensuous women in the belief that passion, sensuality - the most important thing in marriage. Cinderella Complex life position reflects passive women waiting tales of the Prince, who will introduce her to the world of adventure, beauty, comfort. Dreams of an unusual, beautiful man typical of early adolescence, but for some women, they persist in adulthood. Such women dream that their passion, noticed injected in a large light. When Don Quixote complex man show against women illusory expectations and desires, spoke about her with adoration, its ethos, building on a pedestal, worships her. The title compound Madonna and Bludnitsy very accurately determine the behaviour of many men brought up on the traditions of Western culture. It is contradictory assessment of women by men. On the one hand, they underscore the value of femininity, loyalty, virtue, loyalty, on the other - valued sensual women, affordable, coquettish. One presents spiritual love, in choosing a wife and mother, to have another lust, it increasingly looking satisfy their sexual needs. Often these men are clearly divide women into two categories: women-wives and female lover. This is a very complex distributed. Even a cursory familiarity with the history of culture shows how complex this is happening - it is a consequence of the double morality, characteristic of men, and peculiar upbringing, kultiviruyuschego recognition of their superiority. Donzhuanizmom called style of conduct, the purpose of which - women win, they have only to satisfy their sexual needs. What more love relationships among these men, the more they are strengthened in the knowledge own male values. The woman while regarded as a thing that, once mastered it, loses its value and interest. Complex Otello is pathological jealousy. Men with such a complex spent his partner often under the effect of alcohol, painting scenes in the minds of his treason. The complex should be considered rather a manifestation of the fear of a woman, fear of being derided, losing their own dignity, as a result of the desire to own inseparably woman. Complex Romeo and Juliet feel love at first sight, the desire for an early conclusion of the marriage. Its origin is linked with the ban prenuptial contact when only permitted sexual love in marriage. The need to connect with this complex so strong that allows lovers to overcome all the obstacles encountered in their path. In our time, this set of very little, because tolerance of premarital sexual intercourse is widely distributed and the marriage is also not a big problem. Together, Tristan and Izoldy combines eroticism and guilt. Individuals with this complex, violating a ban premarital sexual relations, have mixed feelings: on the one hand - sexual satisfaction, on the other - a sense of guilt for a violation of the accepted moral standards. It must be said that the above complexes in themselves are not yet pathology and do not cause sexual misconduct, they only create a background for their development. Such a role is played and sexual myths, such as the myth of fateful woman erotic paradise, golden age, etc. Complexes in behavior, myths, creating some guidelines on sex or partner, can help to create conditions for the development of sexual health violations. The legend of the fateful, fatal typical woman for almost all cultures dominated by men. Thurman while women expressed in a variety of ways, but most often it seems the embodiment of the evil female deities, evil forces, sovratitelnitsey men, etc. Wider is a myth and erotic paradise, which reflects characteristics for a given culture. For example, in the Muslim paradise gurii give eternal sexual pleasure for men, and in the Christian - people moving from the Earth's love of the divine love. Formation of sex and sexual psihotravm complexes, which in the future may affect the sexual behavior contributes to unhealthy upbringing. There are a set of widely available in the world. These include, for example, complex, which appears in the woman after the birth of a child and is a sharp change its attitude to a man - positive or conversely negative. In the latter case, a man reduced to the role of the Marsh ". The most frequent causes of sexual psihotravm in childhood are the following measures applied by parents or situation which might in the future lead to a negative attitude towards sexuality: severe punishment for the boy or girl child-sexual games, accompanied by "explaining" that such games repugnant; indoctrinated children that sexuality grehovna and disgusting; situation where a child accidentally sees sex and istolkuet it as a form of mutual bullying people; frightened, which can cause physiological unprepared child sexuality - masturbation, spontaneous erection, menstruation, erotic dreams. These factors may cause sexual education inferiority complex. Changes in culture, the different layers of culture clash, particularly when interethnic marriages, form their own complexes and myths, which could later become the basis for the emergence of sexual misconduct.

Love length of a year The real story Part 1

Chapter I ACQUAINTANCE All of this started istroiya distant winter 91 years. Yes indeed, this was a very long time ago. Most start restructuring. Other people are not, as it is now. All on the rise. The life and people. So, everyday was a cold winter day. She has that ordinary bank employee. On-yet that the former cashier of one of the companies and a close friend of the Chairman of the Bank. Cold, very cold, even in the premises of the bank, the more that the bank still very young, and people working in it. All money is not enough. Therefore, the bank was located in an old house, but in the center of Moscow. Classrooms were so small that each one of them was bought on the couch, and a pair of chairs and tables, while workers were much more. That's had to take turns to someone sitting on chairs, and someone on the couch. Who places lacked posted on the window sill. But all the people were young and had no claim to the leadership. All were obsessed work, new ideas. The banking world is only just beginning to develop. People were not enough, therefore, to work at the bank was not specific works. It would be a willingness to work. At the finish our retreat and return to our heroes. Door raspahnulas cabinet, and he has appeared on the verge. - Hello-He said - I am Renata. - Lisa - said it timidly. It has not yet been understood who this man, the purpose of his visit. And the most important of which did not know about Lisa, it is what role it will play in her life. Now, I will work in your department. - Well - she replied, friendly smile. While it seemed proskochila among them some spark. Whether it was just the joy of the fact that even though a lively soul appear in the office, because one was quite melancholy, or to spark a pleasant feeling, which is called love. In any case, both liked each other. And when there is no dislike between people, and then work to go well. Lisa introduced in the course of its business. Renate asked her, knowing that she really understand the work, loving it. She gladly accepted. Renat suggested lunch together in the near cafes. The beginning was good. Lisa. felt in the seventh sky of happiness. Good friends, there is no disagreement at work. All faltered. Chapter II APPOINTMENT A month later, he entered the room and was very embarrassed. - Something happened? - asked Lisa. - I mean, was now in the leadership, and I have proposed to be the Chief of Department. I said that we should think about. How do you treat this? I understand that you opytney me, and I am grateful to you, that taught me the work, but, of course, and I know that you have me to learn and learn. This is certainly not true, and, if you will say that you are not happy, then I will go now and say that you have designated Chief of the department. He talked and talked. She saw his face, inconsistencies in his words, and the only one aware that he is now most want to see, she said: "No problem. Chief Let you will. No problem. Thou man, you need growth." So she said. -- Спасибо.Но, we are friends. And as before, our relations remain friendly. This paper, and so on to customers, I - the head. And we should not be this disparity, "said Renate. - Sure. It was good that we found it right away. Not him. All right. At the general meeting of the bank employees, held at the end of the month, noted the positive direction separately work department. It was called the amount of profits which the department has earned for the month. And, as Renate Lisa and the staff were new bank, as usual, it was decided to issue both a certain amount of money for lifting the improved financial condition. At the time it was huge money. Joy and Lisa Renata was not the end. They wanted once when taking pioneers, promise that profits will be even higher, and they will work from dawn till dawn .. All staff were united in joy for the two newcomers. In general attitude in the team resembled a large family. But days Birthday celebrated together when needed on weekends doing their own renovations in preparation for the arrival of some foreign visitors. Chapter III MOVE It is not much time, and it was decided, as room reserved under the credit department, was large enough, and worked in a department only two rights, change the credit unit to a smaller room. It was located at that time the information department, which has worked for five people. By itself, the move was short. Folders dragged out of the room to room. That's all. But it had to be somewhere to put these folders, as they are not lying on the floor. Resources were at least shelves, cabinets request because there was no sense in the room was so small that there was only one table, one chair, a coffee table on wheels and a sofa. A table was old, with a green flannel tabletop, lying on top tolstennoe glass on the entire table. Table stayed, apparently, even from previous occupants of the house, because to make it, not damaging, not possible. It is not clear how he got here at all. Building Superintendent Renato off and brought to the shelves. They had to be mounted on the wall. Of course Lisa, because of its capacity, tried to help him. He fastens shelves, it has diligently supported them. His efficiency of reminded USE husband. Lisa is a very pleasant. And then she realized that it is beginning to fall. Cabinet, on how long it may have been obustroen. Renata, as befits the boss took place at the table. Lisa also had to be satisfied with a sofa, and it pridvigat coffee table. A computer, like a table, too, was one. Therefore, they worked on the queue. But these difficulties are not frightened. They understood that the bank young, still change for the better, you need only wait.

Why sverhintellektualnym men not lucky with women

We teach men, science communication with the women for several years ... and noticed that one of the scenarios on which operate many men, a very no-go. We identified this scenario as a "denial paradox geniuses." Is it that men, producing impression on women, constantly building of a sverhintellektualnyh people (or indeed they are). We believe that much of what you IFAW below, you seem quite describing another person, but not you. Well, if so. Because this is a problem that confronted many of our friends. I ourselves. You know that little otlichaeshsya from other men. You probably still in their teens realized that you look at things differently, to think differently than everyone else. And you probably realized that tvoja strong opinion gives you an advantage over others in many areas of life ... Twohy dissenting opinion giving you a specific advantage, which is very, very helps you in life: YOU USUALLY RIGHTS. This move helps rightness in many spheres of their lives, their rightness of their way clear. But, unfortunately, this tvoja dissenting opinion often can be futile, if not VREDNYM when we consider a key area of our lives: RELATIONSHIP WITH WOMEN. In addition, we, men, internally assume that if we are going to display their intelligence and education, "load" women their knowledge, they invariably imbued with tremendous sympathy to us. Unfortunately, this is very far from the truth. Now switch your imagination, and listen ten reasons why most intelligent guys fail with women ... and what to do. These causes can be combined in various men's quite different combinations. First CAUSE: When a man acted improperly, he did not see or did not want to see and recognize that It's no secret that wise guys used to consider themselves PRAVYMI in most situations. And what do they do when they are in a situation where they are wrong? They quickly tried to hide its wrong and find a way out of such a situation. They did not accept that wrong. Remember: if you got in a situation with a woman, when you are wrong, you never have to UBEGAT PRYATATSYA OR! Of course, accept the fact that you are not human - it is very difficult for an energetic guy. And accept that you are not only wrong, but did not even know how to correct his mistake - even more difficult test. However, it turned out that it is those men who acknowledge their wrong, and his ignorance, which is the way out of the situation, learn faster than others, and seek better results than others. And, in addition, NRAVYATSYA PARNI WOMEN THAT MAY OWN NEPRAVOTU RECOGNIZE THAT UCHATSYA FOR THEIR MISTAKES AND DO NOT REPEAT STREMYATSYA. Even very intelligent men brings their logic. They believe: BECAUSE I DID NOT GLUPY PAREN, IN WHICH IF I CAN NOT VYYASNIT HOW TO WOMEN WITH USPESHNYM, NERAZRESHIMA TO THIS PROBLEM AND NOT COST MORE TO DECISION I ISKAL. As you know, this is a direct way to give up. If this is your life story, read priuchay themselves to a goal before the end, carefully examining where you are wrong. Second CAUSE: They are blind and arrogant In short, many of the guys who consider themselves very smart, refuse to recognize the fact that a good, solid and substantive response could come from anyone else but themselves. In other words, they think: is this Eloise might say something smart? I therefore do not take into account other, considering themselves above the rest smarter. Traditionally ask you a question. Simulate this situation: you do move Sahara on foot. Who would you, in such a case would be chosen as a guide? Most smart guy on the planet with the highest coefficient of intelligence, or cave man who lived a million years ago, which has accumulated experience in the fight for survival, which has about 50 IQ - well below nowhere ... but he knows how to survive in difficult circumstances as to earn your food and tame wild animals? Rather, you choose the second. Now, we hope you understand that you need not equal to the so-called wiseguys, but on the people who overcame their lives for a lot of obstacles, survived many dangerous situations and are not theoretical, but practical experience. And now we ask you a question similar to the above. If you want to learn how to be successful with women, from whom you will be asking the board: among educated intellectual, or the guy poglupee in terms of exact sciences, but eat dog in the art of the gains women's hearts? All these guys-guys who do not want to learn from those who may be poglupee or, conversely, smarter, they make a great mistake, considering: "For what it articles, I should learn from them?". And he serves disservice to the legacy of our folklore, which often glorifies false model in terms of the gains the women's hearts. Indeed, perhaps life has led you to the conclusion that moving neotesanny can make the heart beat more often female than the prince on a white horse. What is the conclusion? Stop clueless be arrogant. Look around - because by your side full of guys who know how much iskusney you behave with women. Ask them to help you - do you save years, the stress, years of hard work. Main - are you able to analyze and draw conclusions. Third CAUSE: scarce skills in communication Here we all think: how many intelligent guys disappear from the fact that their skills to maintain a conversation with women are very poor. Many of them think: "Why should I get this in communication skills, these skills - to lower creatures that are nonsense and do not appreciate the time ..." These guys do not even attempt to learn these skills because they do not understand that these automatic skills help them be successful with women. Incidentally, in case you do not know ... Skills in communication - this is just skills. They are not public information. There is no theory on them. They simply are skills that need to get their own. And you do not get these skills, just thinking about them. You will receive them only in practice. Excellent skills in communication - the basis for good relations with people. And if you do not enjoy such skills, you ponizhaesh drastically their ability to succeed with women. Fourth CAUSE: they are suspicious in itself Our subconscious always seeking to protect us from undue risk, and some guys result of this "phenomenon" becomes quite illogical side effect. When they were going to find an approach to the woman, it must invent "sickness sentence," explaining why this approach will not work. They simply to configure their own failure. They use all his rich imagination to imagine how a woman would be their "otshivat" inside themselves some negative emotional mood, which ultimately leads to total passivity. This is all truth, which is very difficult to reach using the usual logic - here requires enormous PRACTICAL experience that intellectuals can boast extremely rare. And as a result, they are people who knowingly doom themselves to failure, even when not yet begun to operate. Maybe the time has come to live by this stop and focus on the consequences? Fifth CAUSE: they are seeking only "informative decision" What makes the intellectuals, when faced with a problem or wants to understand something that he does not know? He is looking for information that will help him solve the problem. The more information, the clear answer to that question. Information - mutually intelligible. Detected a computer virus? Nothing is easier - seek on the Internet anti-virus program. Do not know how to replace the battery in the car? Buy the Book and Open such a visit. One does not know what the definition of a word? Create a dictionary. So what intellectuals do when they have problems with women appear? Correct - talked for TIR and begin to look for the answer there. They want to get as much information. They think that the answer will find, if a certain technique to explore. Or read another book. We are already tired of writing about it, but ... Many still do not understand. It is not clear that in order to succeed, you need to spend a lot of time to study basics, to change their attitudes towards domestic studied the issue and of itself. We surely do not want to say that the study of literature, such as this article - an exercise in futility. Not at all. But if you have a problem, which is EMOTSIONALNOY FIZIOLOGICHESKOY or by nature, how much would you have millions of smart books or read, it almost does not help the cause. You have to get in the real world and test themselves at all. YOU should not look at the SAMU problem, but in KOREN problem. When it comes to relationships with women, it is likely that in your arsenal has a natural MORE THAN ENOUGH "information". Intellectuals often use the information to escape from taking action. This is one of the mechanisms of psychological protection. Remember: it protects you from stress, but it hurts your success. Sixth CAUSE: they focus on logic rather than emotion Here you thesis: "Women do not feel attracted to the men who forced them DUMAT. They feel attracted to the men who forced them CHUVSTVOVAT." So, what do intellectuals, the first woman met? EXACTLY! They learn intellectual conversation. They are trying to take a highly women interviewed, not knowing that by doing so they only hurt themselves. These "trigger" for an informative communication channel, which has a negligible effect on the awakening of women's attraction as compared to EMOTSIONALNYM. Perhaps the monkey, stupidly barabanyaschaya Keyboard pick up faster collection of works of Pushkin than you zataschish woman in bed, holding her intelligent conversation. When you are talking to a woman about any abstruse nonsense you, figuratively speaking, put yourself in the forehead bright and colorful stamp: "I failed with women". Typical topics of discussion in such discussions are: Work Institute, politics, religion, weather and anything necessarily about computers, mathematics and artificial intelligence. A woman waiting for the discussion of human relationships. They are waiting for compliments. They are waiting game finally. If you come to the case creatively, we can achieve much. Ask, for example, to issue the following lines: "Why all the women said that they like sweet, milenkih boys, as well as themselves drawn to the selfish, jaunty bad guys?" -- and then receive pleasure from a cheerful, emotional conversation. Seventh CAUSE: they do not enjoy the immediate impulse Intellectuals usually find time to mix well to think over the situation. If they decide to test, the produmyvayut each question carefully. If faced with a mathematical challenge, then sit and decide it through. Intellectuals can devote at least some time to prepare for each situation and then boasting success. And it helps them in their lives. Not so with women. If you do not know what to do at each step, it will be "otshit" very quickly. For women, there is a tremendous one, a special instinct for such guys. For women, there are a number of tricks and stunts, they are experiencing us to determine to what category we belong - to those who "seeks his" and "who is not seeking her". And if you otnosishsya second category, it very quickly provalishsya on one of these tests. But worst of all is that you will not even know that you had experienced. The key to the formation of the more successful a woman is the ability to treat all tests, it sent you. So, if you have not yet read the article "Checking" Do it now, without delay. Too smart men usually do not have the skill of the gains women at emotional level, so they are not guided by the Interior minute gusts of emotion. They are not decisive. They do not avantyurny. They are not capable of living today. Therefore, before ascertain how to deal with those checks, you need to start to learn how to build a relationship with a woman on the emotional level as her show that you have the basic skills, how to show themselves in the best light. Eighth CAUSE: they think that the implementation of "pleasant" things - a "reasonable way" As usual, you ask a question at the landfill, which navedet you on the correct thoughts. Suppose you going to visit his supermodel, with the most beautiful, the one with which you want. Which of the following listed ways to prepare for the first Dater you thou most reasonable? Learn what flowers she likes most, and to appear to visit with a huge bouquet to strike her. Find out what she likes to visit places most of all, and to invite her. Find out what she likes most of all is for you to keep it in the restaurant ... pleasing her, and she was able to see that you cared enough to select exactly what she gets pleasure. Well, the time limit expired. What item do you chose? We warned that this - the issue at the landfill. :) Among the listed NO ONE NI PRAVILNOGO RESPONSE. But WHY - ask you? These three options, all seemed logical, right? Why would either come to visit his armful of flowers? Why would either find where she likes to walk? Why would either keep it in a restaurant, which she like? Now interchange ... Smart guys think that they do commit INTELLIGENT AND ZNACHIMY act when they do such things like a woman buying her favorite colors ... and think that this provides a victory in the first date. Agree? They generated about brain following thought: "I want to show a guy that reflect everything in advance, and I am going to come with flowers to show her that I KNOW THAT SHE LOVES that I am ready to give it what it wants, when it wants, and when she sees these flowers, it grows right there and fall for me. " Not a bad logic, is not it? OK, but there is one tiny mistake to allow these "guys" - it is that they do not realize that do not have to be smart to do that. Anyone can do it! ANY donkey can learn subservient to the woman. WOMEN AND THINKS THIS! SO THAT ALMOST EVERY POSTUPAET THUS! Again, in its first pages, we are not talking about this again. Smart guy, with all his arrogance of the proud, will think that he one such anthem, which uses the "thoughtful" approach ... and the woman he was trying to win, take it as another fancy man who wants her, trying to buy her body for its "presmykanie" before it. Another question to ponder. Ninth CAUSE: they always want to look at all the experts Have you ever met an intellectual guy who likes to consider himself a connoisseur in any matter? You met someone who would be up to the loss of pulse would argue with you about what the very weak understanding, if not smyslit? Consequently, which makes fool of himself, simply because there can close your mouth? I very rare phrase, which he delivers is "I do not know." At our course "Advanced Russian Design Of Relationship" we were faced with such people many times. "Ashes" is not like to be novices in any case. They prefer to say something, rather than remain silent. In any conversation they manage to walk a clever phrase, especially if they watch others. This is exactly the type of people complexes which are not resulting in a complete closure, but in excessive talking. They want to portray themselves from sverhintellektualov, thus seem the "expert" in any situation. Rather than rest say "Yes, I amateur in the matter. Teach me what I have to do and how to act, they prefer BOSCH their clever phrase, thereby exposing themselves stupid. Therefore, they fail. Our advice to you: do not be afraid to be in something newcomer. Better Off confess this than to say that you do not know. Tenth CAUSE: they may not have to deal with the sense of danger and other emotions INTENSITY intellectual guy - this is his opinion. His SLABOST - it is often EMOTSII. This guy is often OSTANAVLIVAETSYA TO MINE. Full stop. And even frozen. And as many intellectuals are not accustomed to dealing with things in which they have dealt with poorly, they are simply a UBEGAYUT from danger without a fight. Many men prefer UMERET alone than admit that they do not know how to deal with their emotions ... or ask for help! After all, any guy can really learn to treat and even SPRAVLYATSYA with their emotions (even with such a sense as a sense of danger) if he only spends time and effort to learn HOW to do it.

5 mistakes that prevent you Dating

Here are five mistakes that make single women (and men) in the initial phases of visits and relations. If something sounds familiar - let's try to rectify that! 1. If you think you have no love, and it will not be. Many women after a series of fruitless visits of parting and feel that they have something fatal, "nevlyublyaemoe." They say phrases like "Who can I be needed? Obviously, I am doomed to loneliness. Me at the crown of celibacy (angry rock, very fate, which go)." Of course, we all deserve love! And as you thought? But if you insist on a pro constantly twisted his share of loneliness and stamp on the forehead, that attitude is beginning to manifest itself in every word, every act and a gesture. In these women Muriel doomed halves with timid hope and the desire to do twice as much to keep a devotee of the ordinary evil fascination. Result: we are working relationship, anchored for cars passing train, just not staying alone. And if you start to convince yourself to the contrary - "I have such a beautiful (the good, clever, erudirovannaya, charming, I just doomed to a great love?" Maybe cranial worth a try, as did the "most charming and attractive" Irina Muravyova heroine? To Retain away defeatist thoughts, start with a simple: diary afterwards. For example Bridget Jones fyrchite men vypleskivayte evil thoughts to paper and ubezhdayte itself, in its irresistibility. Day after day, it will be given all the easier. Ask your friends and your girlfriends to compile lists of positive qualities and record them on the first page of the diary to see them constantly. 2. Try to stop to see the enemy in men. Yes, the harsh truth of life is that good men were far fewer than the bad, mediocre and fair. But they remained, and they can be found anywhere. According to a law of nature Harmful women pulls it is to those men, who tend not to respond to calls and sms ethicists, say idiotic false excuses to care only about their mental rest, recognized in love and then have sex with your best friend. Such a feeling that women tend to have a idiocy. Sometimes the reason you need to go in childhood: perhaps your father was the soul of the company, but the harsh and cold homes. You had to climb out of the skin, to earn his attention. When you grew up, you still metaphorically meet with the "Pope". Believe me - life with well-positive man, boring and predictable at first glance, be denied the extreme ups and downs, but full of serenity, warmth and care. 3. Repeat as spell: love - is not a leash. Once 29 - year-old Tony, my acquaintance, has received the offer hands and hearts. It was her dream home life, in her fantasies, she and the groom were inseparable and the day and night. But the young man have other views on family life. He was not ready to relinquish the sake of the fish and Tony preference each week with friends, although she believed that it was not worth spending their free time on other people's lives. Her uncertainty and a thirst for attention future spouse literally put under house arrest. Of course, it was only a desire to break out of it. As a result, Tony and groom parted. Summary: even the happy couple are in need of space for growth. The more dynamic the life they live - to work, hobbies, friends - so they become more interesting for its second halves. 4. Treason - is always a treason, even if it happened in the imagination. It goes without saying that your partner has the right to the attitudes on with respect and kindness. Had he told about their problems, and good luck in bed failures, joys and frustrations attractive blond-colleague at work, you would have liked? Probably sounds somewhat madly, and all the same: there is one person who is primarily a right to your time and energy, and the man - your friend, husband, fiance. And if you spend your 'mental energies to another person, you are agreeing to pull energy from their relationship. That is your partner, rather than colleague, has the right to hear about your first flights in a dream, intimate experiences and felicitous joke, podslushannuyu in the subway. 5. If you constantly need to be right, this is wrong. Perhaps you feel that you have a lot in common with another. You both economists, both are loved to play backgammon, and the tango dance at a ski. Perhaps you know some steps better than your partner, in addition know how to dance waltz and a little salsa. This does not mean that it is you also have to better understand the wines, engine oil and modern drama. The habit is similar to the justice of the disease. Once otlichivshis, people want to be right in everything. Turn difficult, but possible. Apologize - this does not show weakness. What's happening in love must concede, and sometimes very strongly.

Men are predisposed to unsafe sex

It turns out some men are psychologically predisposed to unprotected sex. Risk catch any disease does not diminish their sexual desire, as happens with most people, while depression and stress forced them to seek casual partners. This conclusion came specialists Kinsley Institute in the United States. However, John Bencroft, director of the institute said that so far, very little is known yet about how the nature and characteristics of sexual stimulation affect the desire to unsafe sex. He and his colleagues conducted a study in which it interviewed 1500 homosexual and heterosexual men. As a result, among them was found a group of people - about 10-20% - ready to go to the sexual act, even though it may endanger their health. The survey found that while depression or stress from 40-45 per cent of men decreased sexual desire, and about an equal number of men did not perceive any difference. But there is a small group of men who are more sexual arousal when they have a bad mood. In doing so, the group of men started up in search of casual partners. Risk "catch" any risk of disease or unwanted pregnancy causes many men weakening of sexual stimulation. Fear creates the "off" them, said Bencroft. Conversely, men, sexual arousal that such a risk has no impact, the most inclined to engage in unsafe sex, such as anal sex or sex without a condom. "They brought, in spite of the threat" - Bencroft said. The threat can be a catalyst for sexual stimulation. The survey found that people who were more inclined to adventurism, while more involved in unprotected sex. For these types of people all sorts of advertising campaigns to promote safer sex, useless, said Frank Farley, a psychologist at the University of Tepml. "They do not want safe sex. spoils This is all fun." Instead, such people should send their adventurism in a different way, for example, to keep mountaineering, jump on the ropes from a height and stuff, Farley said. It is not known whether there is such a phenomenon and women. Psychologist Eli Coleman, program manager for the Exploration of human sexuality, of the University of Minnesota Medical School in the city Minneanapolis said that the men who, in response to the depression starting to look for casual sex is likely to try to engage in self influence on the chemical composition of the brain. Perhaps, in this way they receive "charge" toxins, chemicals that impose sedative effect. Coleman said that the phenomenon could result in adult cases of sexual abuse in childhood. "We always come to the clinic these men, many of whom have experienced sexual abuse in childhood. We know that this trauma can chemically alter the composition of the brain" - he says.

Women are more likely to change husbands during ovulation

Women are often reluctant to treason during ovulation. This conclusion came the University of British scientists city of Sterling. In their view, the change in hormone levels of women in this period forcing her to seek man for conception the most healthy and strong child and as a consequence, "walk on the side." According to the "BBC", to undertake the study, scientists obtained the two groups of women. During the experiment, each of the subjects could change the picture of a man they wish - or thicken utonchat neck, the lower jaw to make a square (or vice versa), and so on. The first group was tested at the time of ovulation, the second - beyond that period. Women who were at the height of the menstrual cycle, depicted men with pronounced masculine appearance. The control group drew more feminine ideal partner. How to explain the scientists say men features excellent half the level of testosterone in the male body. If the level is low (a person wedding), a person can be a good permanent partner. But with the heightened level of men, in the opinion of subjects has improved set of genes to create a strong and healthy offspring.

Erotic Massage - SEISMOLOGY handles friend!

A romantic situation Please free apartment of extra people (soshlite to give parents and younger brother - to Grandma), disconnect the phone and pager (as his or girlfriend), zashtorte window. Then, light candles and fragrances voskurite stimulate sexuality (patchouli, mogra, or if you find, opium). Turn on music, and go easy on pre propylesosenny carpet or rigid bed (if soft massage bed is not Paso). Tenderness Start with erotic massage must tender poglazhivany. Hand your friend should move slowly and smoothly from the waist to lopatkam and back. Once you finally relax, the favorite may move to the next stage. Energy She sits down to your buttocks (if it allows its weight) and begins energetically, but not much knock on the back edges of your palms. Hitting should be soft and flexible. This element of sadism is needed in order to improve muscle tone and stimulate circulation. Torture is not procrastinate - will begin in 5 minutes culmination. Passion Favorite stop with your buttocks and missing their tender their hands. She chopping your pop, and then finishes the back and head skin. Her fingers with force and passion massage every inch of your body. If your girlfriend is not Bodybuilding Champion - it should be a pleasure. Then, it falls on you (again, if weight permits), and kisses the back cover: from neck to waist, with her hands gently poglazhivayut your first rib, and then down below, proskalzyvayut under your torso and the feeling that, without which it is impossible to imagine a man . After that, normal person perevorachivaetsya and proposes to do the same massage or a girlfriend asks her to wait 20 minutes until the force recover.

вторник, 4 марта 2008 г.

The perfect man

Girls constantly sigh of satellite ideal life, but not always accurately represent what they are rare creature, as it should look like and how to recognize it in a crowd of imperfect men. International dating service CuteOnly is smitten imposing Western world. Still, there are properties that would like to see any of his vote. In the nature of men to women rarely impressed by the audacity and arrogance. In general, women value of restraint, civility, even some hesitation. This man should be a person, mind and have a pleasant appearance, dress well, be clean. However, some girls feel that the external veneer - this is not the main thing, if only people had been good. The ideal guy to be funny, it should be very easy to communicate. Girls who love not only the bright colors, would like to see a number of a man with chertovschinkoy. But all the girls are unanimous: Women want to be honest, decent man by this gentleman. Some ladies come quite sensibly and valued above all respect, confidence, respect for women and for oneself, and frivolous Maidens can fascinate charming smile and mysterious gaze. And most romantic nature claim: perfect man - it is a sort, without which do not know how to live!

When he was older...

Hard to understand peers: love - not love. How many daisies oschiplesh not, do not get a response, so far not recognized. And if your vote is much older… International dating service CuteOnly is smitten imposing Western world. How to understand whether you nravish'sja him, as his interest is to show that you are interested in it? There are few signs that a man is interested in you and remarked: He often looks at you; he is trying to meet with you more frequently (as if accidentally) He gladly speak with you first; it makes you a compliment What were his older man, so it is easier to say about my feelings, if any. Not obolschaysya advance, it's possible that the man with a girl and did not sign, but she already primerila dream wedding and fathom подружкам razboltala of imminent marriage (it is nothing that he did not know me, more importantly, he loves me, but is afraid to admit to yourself These feelings, ah-ah!). Beautiful young woman interested in the mature man snap. But we must remember that glamorous glupyshki, which do not have to talk to adults dyadechkam quickly bored. And not a serious girlfriend for years, in contrast, could alienate. Looking for middle ground. How to impress? If you want to get it on the one night, on a short intimate acquaintance, the fiery ultrakrasnoy lipstick and nail polish on the nails, giperkorotkoy skirts and neck to the waist. But if you have something more serious, add to the irresistible look of something else: not to be vulgar, take a little bit of education, erudition add, do not forget the propensity to self, podslasti original perspective on life, and podogrey sense of humor. And, of course, you want the man you said: poyavlyaysya wherever he appears, Find a reason to have a conversation, try to be closer to him (plyuhatsya to his knees with the words "let us introduce" is not recommended, although some well received) . Show vote, what are you clever and beautiful. If he will be with you interesting - the success attained. And something that finally - looking for a man after thirty future wife and the mother of children who have this in mind when opravishsya hunting. So, in addition to a pleasant adventure, be ready to run marry. And you like older men?

What do you want to wait on men

Do not wait on their guy too much - will not been threatened. Anyone, but not становись his helpless appendage - men love us, not only women but also interesting people. International dating service CuteOnly is smitten imposing Western world. Are there many of the girl really need? Just simply, the belief that the world will not collapse, it has its man. As it is, one to trust. And that someone care whether all in her order. All. Well, perhaps it still needs to be recognition that it is prepared to sacrifice something sake of the relationship. Tangible security makes men more attractive in the eyes of most girls. And there is nothing wrong with that. Of course, money - not basically in the dignity of the guys. And the thing is not whether or not they have today. It is important whether he is able to get them. Can he think of the future and work, realizing that it is - a prerequisite for a happy marriage, even if you are financially independent? Or is it the fact that he has money in his pocket for cigarettes, and it is not interested in what will happen to both of you tomorrow? You have the full right to reflect on these issues. Because of the responses to them depends not only your future, it is you and take care sumeesh itself. Sooner or later you have children, whose well-being depends largely on the ability of their father to take responsibility. This is a reasonable minimum, but if you look at the more disappointing is almost inevitable. After all, none of us is not without shortcomings. If I do not consider this a sad fact, difficult to reconcile with them. You will notice more and more flaws in your favorite ispytyvaesh and increasing irritation. And your mutual love to recede. I postaraysya avoid that, he decided that the bottom you are already a fact of the appearance of your life. Because if one day he will think about it, this will be the beginning of the end.

Domestic chores

Family idyll threatens to collapse? And, probably, with a serious reason? It is not. This is the man who admired you so that you affected your mind, courage and reliability, was not able to simplest things!

International dating service CuteOnly is smitten imposing Western world.

He could not take the vacuum cleaner and carpet cleaning, even if seeing that it is high time to do so. He was not able to cook anything more complicated fried eggs. A dishware… You not only moesh one, but still has to collect it around your house.

Of course, you can deal with herself and cleaning, but still expected to help. Some lucky, but usually the man to assume anything, but not household chores. Swears - useless. Is it worth it to spoil relations because of the easy? Say, how would you have reacted if he had, for example, has sent you a car repair? True, this is not the women's cause.

A cooking and cleaning are not considered male occupations. I just need to take it. Of course, found a happy exception. There is a tidy man, whose accuracy and astonished the Admiral would Surveillance staff. And some members of the stronger half of humanity is wonderfully prepared, and do it with pleasure. But if you went to no such attraction, otnesis to them calmly. So, you have a traditional family, which is the home of a woman.

Yet cleaning - is a heavy thing. That is why sometimes you can try to connect it to the husband. Then he would not consider that the net is becoming flat itself. And as a reward for participating gather him his favorite cake or something else, a pleasant, but rare.

I do not expect that the husband will show initiative when it will be necessary to bring an apartment in order. The main thing in this matter - thy wisdom and patience. How many families disintegrated because of his wife could not forgive husbands clothes thrown on the bed or chair… Laskovyj and convincing tone yourself much better than scandals. And sometimes, and is silent. You easier to remove his shirt itself in the cupboard than raise a voice and to complain about his inaccuracies. Eventually, he works from morning till night, that your life has been good.

But you certainly can count on him in all that relates to the so-called men's work: plumbing, and all technical filling homes. Usually, men are not denied assistance in such cases because they are much closer to them in spirit.

понедельник, 3 марта 2008 г.

Adultery of the

Noticing her husband for suspicious behaviour, my girlfriend beginning to search for evidence proving his infidelity. Debris found in the used condom is no doubt left about adultery. International dating service CuteOnly is smitten imposing Western world. When she finally decided to make her husband's everything that thinks about this, Rimma, thinking, replied: "You realize that one's suspicions might lead to divorce. Once continued to look for evidence, then wanted to part ways. If you want this, I will not resist. But I know: I did not want anything like this. " Many women, faced with similar situations, often neobdumanno, almost instinctively. They are motivated by resentment, and they do not even try to understand why this happened. Meanwhile, men such behavior can be justified if not, then explain. Most men alleges that they lack one woman, and this is unrelated to the fact that they cease to love his wife or girlfriend is a constant. Our understanding of marriage is based on cultural traditions and not on the desires or needs of the individual as the biological substance. Of course, you can tell that the people and so different from animals, which can keep uzde primitive instincts, but in many societies men have more than one wife, who coexist as sisters and share household responsibilities. We wonder how they can be happy to divide one man, and they, in turn, surprised, as all home affairs can perform one woman. For most women, there is only one standard fidelity - sex. A man who refuses to tranzhiryaschy money or spend time with children is not considered a turncoat, if he had no other women. Conversely, though whether he embodies the ideal family man, any, even the most minor sexual intrigue usually treated as an unforgivable betrayal. And so whether it is important that the man admits sex on the side, if the family for him in the first place? I can not clearly answer that question, but categorical "yes" seems inappropriate to me here. The woman is the guardian of family happiness and well-being. Therefore, in many ways it is the likelihood of it depends treason husband. The constant criticisms, hysteria and screaming little to compel anyone to be loyal, while delicious dinner, small surprises, attention and loving person capable of understanding discourage any desire to look at all sides. All what I want to persuade readers of this article, faced with betrayal - not act impulsively. Before arrange scandal, think about what you want to come as a result of: divorce, or to the family still happily? If divorce - this is not what you want, remember the old truth: the power of love is measured by the degree of forgiveness. And you would keep her husband changed?

Do not learn - not changed?

the rationale of a close relationship between a man and a woman. Treason among them. International dating service CuteOnly is smitten imposing Western world. If you are faced with a choice, think, you still have a chance to make a mistake. Deception, which utverditsya in your relationship after treason, is harming them in any case. Do you also will be two ways: muchitsya ugryzeniyami conscience, because of their weakness or continue to change, transforming relations in the profanation. The reasons for women's treason is not always coincide with the causes of male. It is believed that the girl may change due to sexual dissatisfaction, lack of new sensations, loneliness and misunderstanding, resentment, or a new big love. Still, the bulk of the reasons withdraws itself, if you really love one another and you are frank with him. This love is able to overcome even boredom, which often people conducting a lot of time together. It would be a desire… If he offended you so much that you are ready to revenge from the change, do you seriously think that the future of your communication will be something? It seems that your relationship has already been exhausted and they need to stop, not to take revenge, changing. But love… This happens. If you are sure that is true sense, honestly say about it his own way, the now former, the guy is not humiliating his lies and attempts answers. Not humiliating him and themselves. Because deceiving once a loved one, you razrushaesh all the good that once you have it, razrushaesh themselves. Because when you will say, went to the girlfriend, but in reality you go to another wine hardly allows you to get real pleasure of communicating with a new lover. It is felt that physical treason - this is not treason at all. Of course, any point of view, has a right to exist, but it seems to me that it is impossible to separate the soul and body, and they have loyalty to two - total. And if trying to justify treason, vospolzuysya the simplest and most ancient way of assessing the behaviour: Do you want that person, whom you love, ever received with you as well?

Safer sex

When relations were only beginning, is breathtaking. This is a wonderful, but in the struggle with hormones common sense often win hormones. And the risk of infection or unwanted pregnancy is not compensated by any mad passion.

International dating service CuteOnly is smitten imposing Western world. Not every young person will sit tests to pacify his girl. But if you go and even tests may not give stoprotsentnoy guarantees. For example, HIV in the blood may encounter only three to four months after the questionable sexual contact. The trouble can happen to anyone. And with you. Therefore, simply podstrahuysya. After all, you are not obliged to risk their health sake of his desires. Specifically: You are not obliged to take risks. Out of respect for yourself. For people who love you and do not want you happened misfortune. In the end, and take care of his health. If you were previously male, and you yourself can not be one hundred per cent sure that you all right. Moreover, infected with HIV or hepatitis can be without sex. With regard to pregnancy, not listening, if a friend says to you that he will take care that you do not become pregnant. "Natural" means of protection have very low efficiency. Do you want to live in an endless anxiety? Condom fairly reliable and insures against disease and pregnancy. There are men who are willing to deviate from its use, but there must be tough. Rule knows no exceptions: no condom - no sex! Trust common sense. He did not disappoint you either intentionally or accidentally. Incidentally, addressing security at the same time you check your sense of the guy and his ability to be responsible. If he flatly refuses to think about protection, it is not so much the road you how pleasant pastime, without any thought of the possible consequences. If so, are you sure that you want it is? Taking care of your health is in your hands. In any case life. Concern for security does not preclude confidence in the young man. After all, with firmness, you bothering about you both. By the way, that your visit is not romantic depended on his mindedness, zavedi habit to wear condoms in the bag. And if it suddenly cause jealousy, explain that to have condoms and use them - not the same.

Being passionate

If people did not know how to do this, they would be extinct as mammoths. It would seem that all of us lies in the very nature! But no, sometimes had to study sex. So how to become passionate? I have an acquaintance, not particularly beautiful, with srednenkoy figure, and so far no intelligence to Khakamada. But the men around her changed, though she namazana honey! The reason is that her passion is evident any person sees it, and to feel it right away, do not necessarily go to her bed. She did not defiantly dressed and behaved quite normally. Apparently, in the case of a specific aura surrounding such women. Can I become the same passionate. Can! Secret One: Improve tactile sensuality. Apply to the skin velyurovy woolen sweater or scarf, a sheet of paper, pencil smooth, velvety soup, spend them on the body. Remember this feeling postaraysya reproduce them from memory. By the way, when moeshsya not skobli themselves bast, try lather, softly and gently touching the skin. Secret Two: stop shy! No people without shortcomings. Above the photo is ideal crowd makeup, stylists and beauticians. Believe in life, they are not so perfect, and problems of ordinary mortals in the form pryschikov, brackets for the teeth and bags under the eyes characterized them no less than you. Secret Three: there is no room in bed censorship rules and complexes. If you met a man and agreed to give him ourselves to doubt late, it's time to get our share of fun. Anything that makes you love in bed - is acceptable if both pleasure. Worth trying out new sensations, it is useful to talk with a man (not about politics and hair, of course). Showing a man like that you like, vslushivaysya to their feelings, and then you stanesh this passionate woman. And you have the secrets of their passion?

Is it bad to be mistress?

You fell in love with him as maloletka… And he wants you, but his wife will not abandon because adores children. This story about you? No need to bother prematurely. If, of course, you are not concerned with morality and adultery satisfied lungs relations. International dating service CuteOnly is smitten imposing Western world. On the other it's just like, even if you choose not enough forces, and time. But in this situation there and its pros… The most obvious advantage - lack of domestic problems which, as is well known, can kill even the greatest love. Indeed, to meet and live together - different things. It is with you he is full of joy and merriment, but in the home, it may be vorchunom and neck. Or he likes to read for hours in a toilet or smoke directly in the kitchen, which is not part of tvoja outlook. And these conflicts over "should have been done so" or "must remove a"… So let erases his wife, ironing, and prepares - strongly supports his livelihoods. Convenient? Convenient. Do you enjoy romance and joy of your meetings. As mistress usually not acquainted with the parents and immediate family, you spared the horrors "Betrayal" in his family. You do not need to try to please them, and lyubeznichat prove his love for them nenaglyadnomu glance. Especially since, even showing all the wonders of intellect and skills ownership is not always able to find his parents with a common language. Communicate with a married man - an invaluable source of information on underwater stones of family life. From the point of view of men. "Imagine that the wife has prepared me for dinner yesterday? Brought hamburgers from McDonald's. Cold. " Or, "She up a menu of their isterikami. And his blue gown. " And you listen and zapominay. Can you, at all, not after all want to associate themselves with heard anywhere bonds of marriage. I better just be inscribed in a number of old virgins or desperate lesbians? Close your eyes on him, "I should be home for dinner" or "you need to take breaks in the mother at the cottage." Do not miss the moment and пользуйся their freedom. For such an active business and a girl, as you can always use than themselves to take - go to fitness, to meet with friends or go to a club with friends. And even more so, it will never be able to reproach you that you have too much going and socialize with other boys. You can always say: "Do you because your personal life." And you will be right. He looks forward to meeting with you and please do not forget your bouquet of flowers or plush bear. And sometimes, and you can count on more valuable gifts. Very often, a married man is willing to pay you for your lack of freedom. If lucky, the week sletaete at Goa, or at least in Turkey. Indeed, his work and life, of course, involve frequent travel))) All this, plus. But there are disadvantages. What? First, if you love it in the present, the situation girlfriend stop you arrange, but on a larger, as a rule, do not have to count. And secondly, to be married male lover means causing a public reprimand. No matter how justified it, but if this is important to you, think, whether to develop these relations.