вторник, 4 марта 2008 г.

Domestic chores

Family idyll threatens to collapse? And, probably, with a serious reason? It is not. This is the man who admired you so that you affected your mind, courage and reliability, was not able to simplest things!

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He could not take the vacuum cleaner and carpet cleaning, even if seeing that it is high time to do so. He was not able to cook anything more complicated fried eggs. A dishware… You not only moesh one, but still has to collect it around your house.

Of course, you can deal with herself and cleaning, but still expected to help. Some lucky, but usually the man to assume anything, but not household chores. Swears - useless. Is it worth it to spoil relations because of the easy? Say, how would you have reacted if he had, for example, has sent you a car repair? True, this is not the women's cause.

A cooking and cleaning are not considered male occupations. I just need to take it. Of course, found a happy exception. There is a tidy man, whose accuracy and astonished the Admiral would Surveillance staff. And some members of the stronger half of humanity is wonderfully prepared, and do it with pleasure. But if you went to no such attraction, otnesis to them calmly. So, you have a traditional family, which is the home of a woman.

Yet cleaning - is a heavy thing. That is why sometimes you can try to connect it to the husband. Then he would not consider that the net is becoming flat itself. And as a reward for participating gather him his favorite cake or something else, a pleasant, but rare.

I do not expect that the husband will show initiative when it will be necessary to bring an apartment in order. The main thing in this matter - thy wisdom and patience. How many families disintegrated because of his wife could not forgive husbands clothes thrown on the bed or chair… Laskovyj and convincing tone yourself much better than scandals. And sometimes, and is silent. You easier to remove his shirt itself in the cupboard than raise a voice and to complain about his inaccuracies. Eventually, he works from morning till night, that your life has been good.

But you certainly can count on him in all that relates to the so-called men's work: plumbing, and all technical filling homes. Usually, men are not denied assistance in such cases because they are much closer to them in spirit.

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