понедельник, 3 марта 2008 г.

Safer sex

When relations were only beginning, is breathtaking. This is a wonderful, but in the struggle with hormones common sense often win hormones. And the risk of infection or unwanted pregnancy is not compensated by any mad passion.

International dating service CuteOnly is smitten imposing Western world. Not every young person will sit tests to pacify his girl. But if you go and even tests may not give stoprotsentnoy guarantees. For example, HIV in the blood may encounter only three to four months after the questionable sexual contact. The trouble can happen to anyone. And with you. Therefore, simply podstrahuysya. After all, you are not obliged to risk their health sake of his desires. Specifically: You are not obliged to take risks. Out of respect for yourself. For people who love you and do not want you happened misfortune. In the end, and take care of his health. If you were previously male, and you yourself can not be one hundred per cent sure that you all right. Moreover, infected with HIV or hepatitis can be without sex. With regard to pregnancy, not listening, if a friend says to you that he will take care that you do not become pregnant. "Natural" means of protection have very low efficiency. Do you want to live in an endless anxiety? Condom fairly reliable and insures against disease and pregnancy. There are men who are willing to deviate from its use, but there must be tough. Rule knows no exceptions: no condom - no sex! Trust common sense. He did not disappoint you either intentionally or accidentally. Incidentally, addressing security at the same time you check your sense of the guy and his ability to be responsible. If he flatly refuses to think about protection, it is not so much the road you how pleasant pastime, without any thought of the possible consequences. If so, are you sure that you want it is? Taking care of your health is in your hands. In any case life. Concern for security does not preclude confidence in the young man. After all, with firmness, you bothering about you both. By the way, that your visit is not romantic depended on his mindedness, zavedi habit to wear condoms in the bag. And if it suddenly cause jealousy, explain that to have condoms and use them - not the same.

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