среда, 5 марта 2008 г.

Women are more likely to change husbands during ovulation

Women are often reluctant to treason during ovulation. This conclusion came the University of British scientists city of Sterling. In their view, the change in hormone levels of women in this period forcing her to seek man for conception the most healthy and strong child and as a consequence, "walk on the side." According to the "BBC", to undertake the study, scientists obtained the two groups of women. During the experiment, each of the subjects could change the picture of a man they wish - or thicken utonchat neck, the lower jaw to make a square (or vice versa), and so on. The first group was tested at the time of ovulation, the second - beyond that period. Women who were at the height of the menstrual cycle, depicted men with pronounced masculine appearance. The control group drew more feminine ideal partner. How to explain the scientists say men features excellent half the level of testosterone in the male body. If the level is low (a person wedding), a person can be a good permanent partner. But with the heightened level of men, in the opinion of subjects has improved set of genes to create a strong and healthy offspring.

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